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Community Center

The Semper Fidelis - "Always Faithful” Community Center is a safe place to grow in your recovery journey. We have a coffee bar, computer workspace, recovery resources, and friendly staff who have lived experience with recovery. We offer various daily and evening groups to support your community connections. 

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Peer Recovery Support Services

Peer Recovery Support is at the heart of what we do at Rise Up Recovery. We have peer recovery specialists working in our homes, on-site at our community center, and in our local community.
-Our PRSs can support you in the following ways

  • Advocating for people in recovery

  • Sharing resources and building skills

  • Building community and relationships

  • Leading recovery groups

  • Mentoring and setting goals

  • Serving as a role model

  • Being a friend and ally

  • Telling the truth in love

  • Reaching out and engaging peers

  • Encouraging and being a cheerleader

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Naloxone Access Point and Education

In partnership with Steve Rummler Hope Network, Rise Up Recovery is a proud Naloxone Access Point and provides Naloxone education. Naloxone is a medication that reverses the effects of opiate overdose. We also have Fentanyl Test Strips available. If you are interested in receiving training for your organization or family on Naloxone administration, please contact us today!



We offer Chemical Health Assessments every Wednesday from 10am - 2pm through a partnership with Sobriety First. To access these services, please call our office.

We also partner with Frazier Wellness in St Paul. They offer Zoom and in-person assessment. Call 651-756-8460 to set up an appt.


Recovery Captial Grant

This grant can be used for a sober living deposit, car repair so you can get to and from treatment, work, court, etc., and other recovery-related emergent needs. You must demonstrate how this grant will impact your life in recovery. A committee reviews all applications, and awards are granted on a case-by-case basis and dependent upon available funds.

If you or a family member need assistance finding treatment, housing, or any recovery-related support, please reach out; 651-319-0122.

Please note that this micro-grant is for local residents only (Hastings, Cottage Grove, and Redwing.) If you have any questions or would like to know if we cover your area, please contact us. The intention is to grow capital within our local community of recovery. 

**Any grants awarded are paid directly to the service provider.

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